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It's time to change the face of Menopause

Why is it that when we mention the word "menopause," the atmosphere in the room changes? Why have we turned this natural phase of life into something to be feared, suppressed, and dealt with quietly?

Strong women who lead empowered lives often find themselves feeling hurt, frustrated, confused, and out of sync, all due to the "three" stages of menopause: Perimenopause, Menopause, and Post-Menopause.

Menopause is not something we should "simply" accept as a burden of being a woman. And this isn’t about self-pity! We are not here to box ourselves up, label ourselves as "old," and endure a dull and painful existence. I won't accept that, and I certainly don't expect you to either. We are far from having one foot in the grave.

I want to encourage you to move past any feelings of shame or denial. Menopause, perimenopause, or post-menopause is a natural event that happens to every woman.

Statistics show that age 55 is when a woman is most likely to take her own life. In a world where we are more connected than ever, why are these women feeling so isolated?

This platform is here to provide support, information, and advice. Joining a support network of women, with access to discussions and talks from doctors and others in the same position, can make all the difference.

We also offer a 3-month bespoke plan to help you transition smoothly and with grace through what can be an incredibly stressful time.

Get in touch, or send me a message today so we can start your journey to being your best self.


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